Monday 2 October 2017

Ignite presentations: Learner response

1) Type up your feedback in full including the ratings out of five for each category. 


Significance: 5
Structure: 4
Simplicity: 4
Research: 4

  • Hyper/ toxic masculinity- defines terms
  • Use of gifs
  • Good opening/explanation
  •  Good slide 
  • Limited text
  • Well selected images/ screen grabs
  • Good knowledge of film
  • Good examples from text----> media language 
  • Colour scheme- consistency of the colour theme of blues, purples etc synonymous to the movie 'Moonlight'. 
  • Camerawork- how the use of camerawork was used to immerse the audience
  • Sound 
  • Good vocabulary- media terminology. general 
  • Good Blog research 

  • Speak louder + look of audience
  • Introduce film- significance ?
  • Slow down a bit!
  • Better final slide- summary 
  • Reference to title/ masculinity - I will be working more on my conclusion as I should be able to answer or prove my question in my essy. 
  • Include theory - Alvarado, Fanon- I have already gotten other analytic essays which concentrate on Homosexuality in films and Black masculinity in media which I will be able to focus on in my critical investigation.
  • establishing shots- a video to use to further my knowledge on 'Moonlight' 

Self-assessment- My presentation will lead into my critical investigation by applying several theories to create a link between my text and issue, I will also make sure that I make detailed notes on the media forms of the video itself so I can have detailed analysis. As for my feedback, I will take on how the issue appears on mainstream TV and what effect it has, and will look at how the multiple representations of Black men through film and TV.  I will most likely include more things on narrative and genre which will link to the institution aspect of the investigation and be put as a central outline of my essay ('Moonlight' a Arthouse film, aspects and references from other 'Wong Kai-war films)

researched well, as I was able to find multiple videos and articles for the representations of Black masculinity and finding essays about Black masculinity in media and will be able to reference them in my critical investigation.  
When presenting I was able to remember the script I created, so, it wasn't difficult when actually articulating the presentation. I had the right references from wider contextual analysis and having the MIGRAIN focused slides, I think was a strong point of my presentation and having media terminology and a large vocabulary can be used and thus reflected in my work.  

However, I should of focused more on theories which focused on representations and stereotypes in media such as (Dyer, Perkins etc.). Dyer's 1997 'Gays and Film' and 1990 'Now you see it: studies on Lesbian and Gay films' .Also, theorists who focus on black people, particularly, in media (Stuart Hall, Bell Hooks, Vito Russo and Spence and Stam etc.) Stuart Hall's ' Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices' , Bell Hooks' ' Black Looks: Race and Representation' and Vito Russo's ' The Celluloid Closet: Homosexuality in the Movies' etc. can be articulated into my essay to back up my points as well.  All of these books can be used to reference in my critical essay to show a greater wider knowledge of my topic and why it is particularly important in media. 

For me, this ability to get a wider outlook of the media texts but also applying it to 'Moonlight' will be able to show focus throughout my critical analysis. 

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